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Gun Control Argument Quick Hits Compilation (VIDEO)

Buzzword Checklist:

  • Modern Sporting Rifle
  • Standard-Capacity Magazine
  • Save One Child’s Life
  • Hollywood
  • Get a Shotgun!
  • The Media


1. What doesn’t make sense to me is that policemen use modern sporting rifles with standard capacity magazines to defend against madmen, but, somehow, it’s not okay for civilians to use modern sporting rifles to defend themselves against these very same madmen.
2. Something that doesn’t make any sense to me is when anti-gun people support legislation under the argument that it might save one child’s life. What if it saves one child’s life, but costs many children’s lives? Don’t we owe it to the children to implement legislation that has measurable results?
3. What doesn’t make sense to me is how wealthy Hollywood stars can make their living performing in movies that glorify violence, such as murder, brutality, and rape. And then publicly denounce firearms ownership, which *they* equate to violence without being challenged on the hypocrisy of that.
4. Something that Joe Biden said that doesn’t make sense to me is that modern sporting rifles are so difficult to aim that, for self defense, you should actually use a double barreled shotgun. If modern sporting rifles are so difficult to shoot accurately, then how are they more of a threat than a shotgun?
5. Recently, I heard Piers Morgan equate purchasing firearms and ammunition to cold medicine. His argument was, we limit cold medicine, why shouldn’t we limit firearms and ammo? But, that doesn’t make sense to me because, I can’t use cold medicine to protect my family. I can’t use cold medicine to guard against tyranny. And, my ability to consume cold medicine is not protected by the Constitution.
6. I downloaded the statistics from fbi.gov and I discovered that, in the year 2011, in the United States (not including the Virgin Islands), there were 12,626 murders. Of those, 323 were committed with a rifle. Which means that12,303 men, women, and children were murdered by other means, including bare hands, handguns, knives and blunt objects. What doesn’t make sense to me is the all but total lack of the media’s public outcry for the 12,303 innocent victims, including women and children, who were murdered without the use of a rifle.