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Should Toy Guns be BANNED? -YouTube Star FateofDestinee

As kids, my brother and I had a lot of fun playing with toy guns. We had cap guns, BB guns, pellet guns, and even an air rifle. We challenged each other’s marksmanship at our grandparents’ home in the middle of nowhere, and bonded while saving each other from our imagined foes. These days, though, playing with toy guns, whether plastic, pellet guns, or imagined “firearms” can get a kid into a lot of trouble these days. I’m sure you’ve heard of the boy who started a whole lot of hubbub with his “gun-shaped” breakfast pastry. But his story is one of many examples of children finding themselves in trouble over toy guns. I’ll review some of my favorite “fun guns,” (I’m a huge kid) including a cap gun revolver, the “Hawk” bolt action “nerf” gun, the “Double Shot” “nerf” shotgun, and the “assault nerf rifle” – the “Automatic 20” and share some of the more interesting stories I’ve read of children getting in trouble over gun toys. And, I’d like to open up the discussion to you. I’d love to hear your feedback on the subject. Did you have any favorite gun toys growing up (or right now)? With the recent gun scares in school, and gun control/gun bans hotly debated in D.C., do you think toy guns are appropriate for children in today’s political climate? Leave me a comment or video response and let me know what you think.