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Use This: Pro-gun Letter Writing Cheat Sheet

Here’s a quick list of points you may want to consider using when you write your representatives urging them to oppose gun control.  Please do not copy verbatim; please do personalize with your own words.  I would not recommend using them all at once; letters tend to be more effective when shorter and succinct.  Instead, write multiple letters!  Actual mailed letters garner more attention than phone calls or emails (although you should call and email too).

  • Law passed during high emotion is bad law.  Do not pass a law for the sole appearance of ‘doing something’.  The facts are on the side of individual liberty.
  • Existing laws do not stop killers and none of the proposed laws in the wake of the Newtown shooting would have stopped the shooter.  He killed his mother [illegal] and stole her guns [illegal and bypassed access restrictions] took them within the 1000 ft ‘no gun’ zone of a school [illegal], forced his way into the school [illegal] and committed multiple acts of murder [illegal].  Will you make it ‘more illegal’ to do so?
  • The term “Assault Weapon” is a propaganda tool to demonize the most common semi-auto firearms in use today.  Apparently some think that ‘looking scary’ is reason enough to eliminate the rights of the people.  Dianne Feinstein even admits to using a picture book to determine what features should be banned
  • We tried an ‘Assault Weapon’ ban before.  When it was passed, crime didn’t decrease; when it expired, crime didn’t increase.
  • During the previous AWB, the (anti-gun) CDC released a report that gun laws do not reduce crime, stating “The Task Force found insufficient evidence to determine the effectiveness of any of the firearms laws or combinations of laws reviewed on violent outcomes.”
  • If restrictive gun laws worked, why do Chicago and Washington DC have the highest violent crime rates?
  • Blame the murderer not the tool.  Millions of law abiding citizens are not responsible.  Laws restricting citizens’ access to efficient defense tools are absurd and offensive.
  • Semi-auto firearms are by far the most common firearms.  They have been around for over a century.  They are commonly used for hunting; Teddy Roosevelt hunted with one.  [P.S. – the 2nd Amendment is not about hunting.]
  • More people are killed with hammers every year than with rifles.
  • Predators often operate in packs. Standard capacity (a.k.a high capacity) magazines protect an individual from multiple assailants.  Not all shots fired under stress hit; single hits rarely incapacitate. [see police defensive use stats]
  • The push for licensed concealed carry in Texas began in part to a mass shooting (Killeen Luby’s).  Our response was to arm ourselves against predators not create more victims.  And violent crime went down.
  • “Gun Free Zones” only create “Victim Disarmament Zones”.  The Aurora movie theater murderer drove past other theaters showing the same movie, choosing to go to the only theater with ‘No guns’ signs.  If the legal punishment for committing (multiple) homicide isn’t enough to deter a criminal, why would a sign that says “Gun Free Zone”.
  • If ‘Gun Free Zones’ work why don’t President Obama, Michael Moore, Michael Bloomberg, and others disband their armed security details?
  • President Obama and David Gregory both say they don’t recommend guns in schools yet send their children to a school with armed security.  About a third of schools in the US already have armed security.  A Sheriff’s Deputy was present at Columbine and he engaged and hindered the killers, preventing more death from occurring.  Having trained personnel (whether police, security guards school administrators and teachers, or regular citizens) on site with access to secured firearms serves to prevent mass murder attempts and greatly reduces response time needed to end them.
  • When mass shootings are stopped Armed Citizens save lives and reduce casualties by 84% compared to waiting for 911 responders.
  • Canada scrapped long gun registration due to non-compliance (20% in urban areas/ 5% rural), ineffectiveness (didn’t solve crime) and expense (Billions spent).
  • 2009 article that Britain is most violent country in Europe; worse than US or even South Africa.  If England with its complete ban on firearms is so dangerous why emulate it?

Your assignment is to have a letter to each of your Senators and Representative in the mail tomorrow.  Obama is pressing to pass something by the end of the month.  Furthermore there may be a ‘stealth scheme‘ to undermine our rights more quickly.   Don’t waste time; get to work!
Find your Senator
Find your Representative
And JOIN the NRA (warts and all) and the SAF.  Sign up your family members and friends.  If you’re not a member you are dead weight in the wagon the rest of us are having to drag uphill.